Voices of Anime: Azusa Tadokoro
Find out more about Seiyuu and Anisong artiste Azusa Tadokoro!
ANIPLUS presents to you “Voices of Anime”, featuring Azusa Tadokoro~!
Voices of Anime: Ayaka Ohashi
Find out more about Seiyuu and Anisong artiste Ayaka Ohashi!
ANIPLUS presents to you “Voices of Anime”, featuring Ayaka Ohashi!~
Saekano Movie Interview
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and Ai Kayano talk about the movie!
Following the release of Saekano the Movie Finale by ANIPLUS, at the C3AFA Singapore 2019 which was held from 29 November to 1 December 2019, we had a few words […]
ANIPLUS Interview: Baozi & hana
Find out more about popular cosplayer duo, Baozi & hana!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you an interview with the adorable cosplay duo, Baozi & hana!
ANIPLUS Interview: Angie
Find out more about popular cosplayer Angie!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you an interview with popular cosplayer, Angie!
Find out more about popular cosplayer KANAME☆!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you an interview with popular cosplayer, KANAME☆!
ANIPLUS Interview: Siutao
Find out more about popular cosplayer Siutao!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you an interview with popular cosplayer, Siutao!
Voices of Anime: Erii Yamazaki & Rika Abe
Find out more about Erii Yamazaki and Rika Abe!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you “Voices of Anime”, featuring Erii Yamazaki and Rika Abe!
Voices of Anime: YURiKA
Find out more about YURiKA!
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you “Voices of Anime”, featuring YURiKA!
Voices of Anime: KISIDAKYODAN
ANIPLUS is happy to present to you “Voices of Anime”, featuring KISIDAKYODAN AND THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS!