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  • Anime in myLife Grand Prize Winner: Rei Lim

    Stay tune for Rei's update about Anime Japan in March!

    Congratulations to Rei Lim from Malaysia for winning Anime in myLife 2016! Omedetou! She will be attending Anime Japan in March. Stay tuned for her updates about the largest anime [...]
  • Anime in myLife is back!

    Showcase your love and talent by joining Anime In myLife.

    Celebrate your LOVE for anime!  Calling all anime fans to participate in Anime in myLife, a campaign by anime fans for anime fans! Anime in myLife provides a platform for […]

  • GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation simulcasting on ANIPLUS

    Don't miss it on 21 Jan, 7:30pm

    GRANDBLUE FANTASY The Animation is premiering on ANIPLUS on 21 January, 7:30pm! Based on the mobile RPG game for Android and iOS developed by Cygames, Granblue Fantasy will immerse you [...]
  • Anime in myLife Winners Announcement

    Check out the fresh-from-the-oven winners for Burst 4!

    Thanks to all participants who share your love for anime through drawings, short films and photographs! And congratulations to winners for Burst 4: Draw:  MegumiCV, Indonesia (Top Prize) Yongky Felix [...]