Entry Category : SNAP
Shafiq Bin Mansor
Country: Malaysia
Country: Malaysia
When i was a kid, i used to watch an anime called SD Kamen Rider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SESQYPOLuOc My passion towards kamen rider began to grew and after watching the anime, i started watching the tv series and over time the love towards kamen rider grew along the way. After graduating from high school, i now have extra pocket money which i managed to save on my own accord, i began collection kamen rider toys, belt , figures and many more. Who would have thought, from one anime as a kid leads me to where i am today. At the age of 25, i've finally settled down and got married to the girl of my dreams who supports my passion. We even had a Kamen Rider wedding which went viral in my county a few weeks back. http://thevocket.com/majlis-kahwin-gaya-kamen-rider/ http://www.jefusion.com/2015/06/kamen-riders-joins-fan-and-his-wife-in.html Therefore, for the photo submission, i would like to submit a photo which was captured during the wedding, Mr Rider & Wife