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When I'm Watching Anime, Everything seems so beautiful, That No matter how hard my life is , I can do anything. Anime is Something That surpasses the laws and boundaries of reality . When I'm busy, I always find time to watch anime,     Anime is my Stress Reliever, My Motivator, The one Who makes me go forward.    I know Someday many things will change, many things will happen , There will be up's and down's but There is one thing that I know that will not change, And that is , THE PART THAT I LOVE ANIME.       
Country: Philippines
For Me, Watching Anime is as Natural as Breathing

When I'm Watching Anime, Everything seems so beautiful, That No matter how hard my life is , I can do anything. Anime is Something That surpasses the laws and boundaries of reality . When I'm busy, I always find time to watch anime,     Anime is my Stress Reliever, My Motivator, The one Who makes me go forward.    I know Someday many things will change, many things will happen , There will be up's and down's but There is one thing that I know that will not change, And that is , THE PART THAT I LOVE ANIME.