A sequel to the live-action movie Tokyo Ghoul (2017) will be produced and is set to be released in Japan in 2019. Kobuchi Masataka will reprise his role as protagonist Ken Kaneki, and Shota Matsuda will play the popular character Shu Tsukiyama. The role of heroine Toka Kirishima will be taken over by Maika Yamamoto.
The three cast members share their thoughts for the upcoming movie.
Kobuchi Masataka:
“I am glad to reunite with Kaneki. I have been bestowed upon a reunion with Mr. Sui (Ishida)’s Tokyo Ghoul series, yet in a refreshing manner. Honestly, Kaneki is a troublesome fellow to deal with, but he never fails to show us the unconceivable. I will continue to devote my all into this new “piece of meat” of Tokyo Ghoul.”
Shota Matsuda:
“I am delighted to immerse myself in the extraordinary world of Tokyo Ghoul. I look forward to working with the staff, including the director, Kubota and the other cast. Along with the full-scale CG sequences, I hope to bring to life the unique mentality of Tsukiyama. I cannot wait for filming to start.”
Maika Yamamoto:
“I am honoured to be part of this project. I have only joined the team of Tokyo Ghoul 2 (TBD), but I will keep in mind the story’s perspective and will strive to meet everyone’s expectations of Toka Kirishima. I would like to learn more from the director as we film, so I would be happy if you could watch me. I am looking forward to the action scenes and I would like to prepare for them well. Also, I would like to get along with everyone in the Tokyo Ghoul team. Thank you.”
The movie begins production in October, and is scheduled to be released nationwide in 2019.
ANIPLUS Asia will simulcast the latest anime series Tokyo Ghoul:re (Part 2) from 9 October 2018 in Southeast Asia. This continuing season will mark the conclusion of Ken Kaneki’s story. The first cour of Tokyo Ghoul:re ran from April to Jun 2018.
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Source: Comic Natalie
(C)Sui Ishida/Shueisha (C)”TOKYO GHOUL” Film Partners (C)Sui Ishida/Shueisha, Tokyo Ghoul:re Production Committee